Catherine Montaño – about me

G’Day Mate! Welcome to my site! I am an Angel Therapist and Reader of the Akashic Records and I want to invite you to an incredible journey.

I have been daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter, friend, wife, mother, mirror and like you I am waking up from this deep sleep.

I’m right there with you to live this adventure. Give yourself life, love, breathe, go ahead, heal and vibrate. Illuminate yourself, fuse and be one with nature, with the universe. Have fun, you are your own prize. Flames live within you, illuminating your temple.
The wild life you want to dominate is already here, you just have to let it free. Break the rocks that obstruct your life like waves of the sea, as the knowledge of the wise broke the moulds and pierced the ignorance, make the earth tremble with your strong footsteps. May your soul resonate and may the beat of your heart be your drum and your entirety.
Find yourself, don’t hold back, advance, jump, cross the line. Lead thine and guide them, may you be the voice they need and the arrow that shows the way and may the way guide your steps and love be your breath.
Don’t limit yourself to your steps, fly as far as your wings will take you. Everyone has a soul, answer yours. Just laugh, let laughter be your mantra and cry only to add flavor.
Your scent is in the air. Don’t look down or you’ll lose the horizon. You’ll reach your dreams, no doubt, but make them big.
What did I come for in this life? To experience together with you, together with mine, to love, to look into the depths of your soul and mine, I come to be the translator of your own consciousness, I come to help you find the key that opens the door that leads to the real path of your existence.


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