Awareness before and during Pregnancy

We have always thought that to prepare ourselves to be parents, and especially mothers, we require an optimal biological process, a good diet, a good economy and a state of calm; in the best of cases. But what about our conscientious preparation? Do we really consciously prepare our spirit in the present for a conception or a pregnancy?

I invite you to see with me in another way what we call pregnancy, I invite you that your baby (or babies) come not only to our prepared body, but also to our heart in completely the right way, I invite you that your baby comes to the creative universe that is your body, the universe of love that is your soul with a balanced energy level.

Not all are vitamin supplements, emotional and mental supplements are also very important. Your baby registers every movement and vibration that your energy field has. I invite you to understand the inner process, to know what are the best emotional nutrients for baby’s soul and yours in this divine moment both before and during pregnancy.

We will do this in sessions, talks and meditations with the help of your guides and the guides of your future baby, your spiritual guides, your teachers, your angels and of course the divinity itself.

You will see how wonderful it is to transcend this unique moment together with our Beings of Light.


  • This type of therapy is not performed on minors.
  • No therapy can be given to people with mental illness (Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc.).

Please make an appointment in the Booking Calendar to reserve a time.